DC/4-L is a high-end security controller with extra functionalities, ideal for those projects where a high level of security is required. this controller is recommended for 4 doors one direction controlled or 2 doors both directions controlled.
DC/4-L Controller Features
Complete access control with the following advanced features:
- Elevators Management
DC/4-L can manage the operation of elevators.
- Biometric on Card
DC/4-L has implemented the recovery of visitors cards using collection drop box readers. Expired cards will be recovered while non expired cards won’t.
- Stand-Alone Mode (DOC)
DC/4-L controller is designed to work even offline using the cards as a data carrier. This feature allows the controller to be used in remote places without data network.
- Cards Synchronization
DC/4-L controller can be used as a synchronization point for downloading and updating the information contained inside the cards used in DOC devices.
- Biometric on Card
DC/4-L supports the storage of the biometric data inside the cards. This solution allows unlimited biometric and extra privacy security as the biometric information is in possession of the owner and not on a reader.
DC/4-L controller allows to use the same reader for access and attendance control at the same time. It can also be used for only attendance.
DC/4-L is a complete intrusion panel. It provides supervised inputs that can be used for the connection of movement, breaking glass sensors, etc. The arming/disarming of the alarm zones are done by keypad or cards.
DC/4-L can be also used for the monitor of sensors such as temperature, gas, CO2, etc... showing the measures thanks to the analog inputs included on the controller
DC/4-L can control other devices using its internal relay outputs as an action for other events. As example, turn on A/C when temperature is >25º.